How to get the most out of counselling and psychological therapy?

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How to get the most out of counselling and psychological therapy?

Counselling and psychological therapy is a process. As such, the more you put in, the more you are likely to get out.

Here are some tips on how to get the most out of counselling:

1. Do some research...

2. Check out some counsellors and psychologists to find one that is the best fit for you...

3. Do some preparation before your first session...
It is good to give some thought to what you want to take away from your sessions and what outcomes you are hoping to achieve. Your chosen counsellor / therapist or psychologist may assist you in this. Preparation may include:

  1. Writing down what you want to cover in your session
  2. Issues you want to address
  3. Symptoms you have experienced including their frequency and intensity, when they have started
  4. What you have noticed about your situation
  5. Any particular goals you want to achieve from your counselling and therapy work.

4. Review your goals regularly with your counsellor / psychologist...

5. Keep an open mind!

6. Do your homework exercises & take every opportunity to practice what you are learning...

7. Provide feedback to your counsellor / psychologist - both positive and negative...

8. Ask lots of questions!

9. Be creative about how you hang on to what you have learned and gained from counselling and psychology for the future...